Towson 2023 Fall Events
- September 6, 2023
- Announcements, News
Back to School & Fall Fun in Downtown Towson
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We hope that most residents will agree that Hampton Plaza is a warm and friendly place to live. It is the outgoing and engaging nature of our residents, like Kim J, that makes that happen.
Full of energy and bubbly enthusiasm Kim J has been an initiator of many pre-Covid social activities in our party room. She has used her love of cooking and decorating to host, along with others, Thanksgiving Dinner, Football Night Dinners, and Fried Chicken and Spaghetti Dinners in our second-floor party room. These events, all solely resident sponsored, were open to everyone, and were a great way for residents to get to know each other. How terrific! She hopes that these and other fun evenings will resume as the pandemic recedes; there are so many new and interesting people to meet!
As a successful recipient of a double lung transplant Kim does not waste a breath being idle. Walking has been her best medicine for staying healthy and strong. After working for the FBI for 5 years and then working for BG&E, for the last 12 years Kim has been giving back to the Towson community by volunteering at the Assistance Center of Towson, which helps the homeless and needy. Gardening and jewelry making are also passions.
Thank you, Kim, for contributing so much to Hampton Plaza for the past 11 years… Party On!
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